Lisa Dyson at KET Amsterdam

We’re really excited for our Amsterdam Event because of sustainability pioneers, like Lisa Dyson, joining us.

Lisa is one of our keynote speakers - if you want to see her crush it get your tickets here.

Lisa Dyson is one of the most impressive CEOs with a mind-blowing technology, that will change the way we use resources. Her company, Kiverdi recycles carbon-dioxide, hydrogen and carbon monoxide to make useful oils , bio-based products and even food.

So… carbon dioxide might feed the future?? Kiverdi’s technology uses large bioreactors, filled with hydrogenotrophs, which use carbon as their nutrients.

Hydrogenotrophs are a type of chemoautotroph, which means they’re able to take in chemical energy and synthesize their own food. These tiny microbiomes can solve all of our recycling and resource problems. They are more efficient, environmentally friendly and faster at producing food.

Here’s an interview we did with Lisa!

What will you be talking about at KET Amsterdam? Why is it important?

Air Protein, the most sustainable protein that can feed our growing population with minimal resources. This unique protein was inspired by NASA’s research and solution to feed astronauts on long missions and comes to life through technology that captures CO2 and uses it as the key input in creating nutrients. The Air Protein process requires 10,000x less land and 2,000x less water than traditional soybean farms, making it a clear solution for more sustainable food production.

How could more people take part in creating the future of sustainability?

People can participate in creating a future of sustainability through their purchasing choices. Simply put, we vote with our dollars. By reading product labels and doing research, we can choose the products that are investing in and supporting sustainable supply chains. If we have more votes in the direction of sustainable products, brands will rise to meet the demand.

What’s something you believe that most people disagree with?

The existing supply chain is broken and needs to change. It currently is unfit for the needs of the planet and the growing population. The change isn’t unattainable. Kiverdi is proving that it is indeed attainable with scalable technology and solutions.

What’s something about the world that doesn’t make sense to you?

The supply chains we've built. They are harmful to our planet and are continuing in their harmful ways. We are removing rainforests so that we can have a steak or shampoo. However, there are many forces that are challenging these supply chains, a movement of which Kiverdi is happy to be a part.

If you were the president of the world, what would you immediately change?

I would increase the availability of public transport tenfold to reduce the number of cars on the road, replace fossil fuel-based power plants with renewable power, scale up the production of Air Protein to feed billions and invest in the development of technologies that are focused on the sustainable production of the products we consume every day. There is a lot of important work to be done!

Who are three people that have influenced your journey?

Three people in my life who have most influenced my journey include my grandmother for her constant emphasis on the importance of education; my dad, an entrepreneur who showed me how to bring ideas to life; and my mom, because she is the kindest person I know.

What’s your favourite book, and why?

Improv Wisdom: Don't Prepare, Just Show Up by Patricia Ryan Madson. Why? Because we all could use a lesson on how to have fun in business and in life. Madson does a wonderful job providing strategies on how to deal with life's many challenging situations by drawing from the maxims of improvisational theater.

To end, why should people care about the future of sustainability, and scientific advancements in the field?

People should care about the future of sustainability and scientific advancements because people care about the future of the Earth. By 2050 we will have 10 billion people to feed. By that same year, there is projected to be more plastic in our oceans than fish. Change is required. Sustainable production systems are required. Science is required. We at Kiverdi are on a mission to fight the climate crisis and introduce new, sustainable supply chains. We challenge and encourage businesses to join us to create real change.

Olivia Fox